wxWidget is very good library for GUI programming. It helps to build
windows form very effectively. Many application we are familiar with are
made in wxWidget (like Code::Blocks). But wxWidget is totally object
oriented and seems to be headache for beginner. Even to write Hello
World program, it needs a lot of knowledge and code conversion. But once
you master it, then everything get simpler and you can build big
application within few weeks. Now lets move to our topic. Mini project
Database Management System is built totally in C++ with wsWidget as
Graphics Library. Obviously it is built in Object Oriented fashion
because both C++ and wxWIdget are object oriented. In this project you
can make new database, make tables, give fields and everything, For
security region, database is fully password protected and file is used
to store the passwords. You can also select existing database and modify
it. Since it is a mini project, don’t expect too much from. Just
download and see the code, get some idea and start to build your own
application. Hope this project help you. If you have any questions and
suggestions regarding this project or this blog, don’t forget to
comment, this will help me to do my job effectively. Thank you
To download the project CLICK HERE
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