(A) Algorithm for converting an infix expression into postfix operation
(B) Algorithm for evaluation of postfix string
Source code for both infix to postfix and postfix evaluation
1. Add “(“ at the beginning and “)” at the end of an
infix expression Q. 2. Scan Q from left to right and repeat
step 3 to step 6. 3 If an operand is encountered, add it into postfix P. 4. If a left parenthesis is encountered,
push it onto the stack S 5. If and operator op is encountered then, (a) Repeatedly pop from stack S and add
it to postfix each operator which has same precedence as or higher precedence than op. (b) Add op to Stack S. 6. If a right parenthesis is encountered, then (a) Repeatedly pop from stack S and add
it to postfix each operator until left parenthesis is encountered on stacks. (b) Remove the left parenthesis.
(B) Algorithm for evaluation of postfix string
1. Scan postfix P from left to right and repeat
step 2 and 3 for each elements of P until the
NULL character or other symbol is encountered. 2. If an operand is encountered then push it on to the stack. 3. If an operator op is encountered, then (a) Remove the top elements of stack S where A is the
top element and B is next top element (b) Evaluate B op A (c) Place the result back onto the stack S (d) Return top of the stack which is required
result for our calculation
Source code for both infix to postfix and postfix evaluation
Program: Conversion of Infix to Postfix String and EvaluationLanguage: C/C++by Bibek SubediJune 13, 2011Operators Used1. '+' For addition2. '-' For Subtraction3. '*' For Multiplication4. '/' For Division5. '^' For ExponentiationProgram Limitations* This program Only process single digit operations* Can't handle unary operation* Only process left to right associativity***************************************************/#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<cstdlib>#include<string>
#define MAX_SIZE 20using namespace std;template<class T>class Stack{
T item[MAX_SIZE];int top;
Stack(){top = -1;}void push(T data){
if(!this->is_full())item[++top] = data;else{
cout<<"Stack Error"<<endl;
exit(10);}}T pop(){if(!this->is_empty())return item[top--];
cout<<"Stack is Empty"<<endl;
exit(11);}}int size(){
return top+1;
}bool is_empty(){
return true;else
return false;}bool is_full(){
return true;else
return false;}void display(){
for(int i=0; i<this->size(); i++){cout<<item[i]<<" ";
}cout<<endl;}T return_top(){return item[top];
}};class Convert{
bool num_flag;
bool two_digit_flag;
Convert();string return_with_bracket(string infix);void to_Postfix(string infix,char postfix[]);bool prcd(char op1, char op2);int isOperand(char op);int isOperator(char op);bool return_flag(){
return num_flag;
}};Convert::Convert(){this->num_flag = false;this->two_digit_flag = false;}string Convert::return_with_bracket(string infix){return("(" + infix + ")");}bool Convert::prcd(char op1, char op2){if((op1=='+' || op1=='-' || op1=='*' || op1=='/') && op2=='(' )
return true;if(op1=='+' && op2=='+')
return true;if(op1=='-' && op2=='-')
return false;if(op1=='-' && op2=='+')
return false;if(op1=='+' && op2=='-')
return false;if(op1=='/' && op2=='/')
return false;if(op1=='/' && (op2=='-' || op2=='+'))
return true;if(op1=='*' && (op2=='+' || op2=='-'))
return true;if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/'))
return false;if((op1 == '$' || op1 == '+') && (op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-'))
return true;if((op1 == '-' || op1 == '+' || op1 =='*' || op1 == '/')&& op2=='^')
return false;if(op1 == '^' && ( op2 == '+' || op2 =='*' || op2 == '/' || op2=='-'))
return false;}int Convert::isOperand(char op){return(op>= '0' && op <= '9');
}int Convert::isOperator(char op){return(op=='+' || op=='-' || op == '/' || op=='*' || op=='^');
}void Convert::to_Postfix(string infix, char postfix[]){int position, outpos=0;
char c;
int count = 0;
char temp;
char stacktop ;
Stack<char> stack;
for(position = 0; (c = infix[position])!='\0'; position++){
if(this->isOperand(c)){postfix[outpos++] = c;this->num_flag = true;count++;if(count>=2){
this->two_digit_flag = true;}}else if(this->isOperator(c)){count = 0;if(isOperator(infix[position]) && isOperator(infix[position+1])){
cout<<"\aMissing argument in between "<<infix[position]<<" and "<<infix[position+1]<<" in column "<< position+1<<endl;
exit(9);}if(this->prcd(c, stacktop)){stacktop=stack.return_top();stack.push(c);stacktop = c;}else{
while(true){temp = stack.pop();postfix[outpos++] =temp;stacktop = stack.return_top();if(prcd(c, stacktop) || stacktop=='(')
}stack.push(c);stacktop = stack.return_top();}}else if(c=='('){count = 0;stack.push(c);stacktop = stack.return_top();}else if(c==')'){count = 0;while(1){
cout<<"Warning!! Number of ')' is greater than '('" <<endl;
exit(2);}temp = stack.pop();if(temp!='('){
postfix[outpos++] = temp;}else{
}}stacktop =stack.return_top();}else{
cout<<"Invalid input";
exit(3);}if(infix[position]==')' && infix[position+1]=='('){
stack.push('*');stacktop = stack.return_top();}}if(stack.size()!=0){
cout<<"Warning!!Number of '(' is greater than ')'"<<endl;
// exit(6);
}if(!this->return_flag()){cout<<"You must Enter Numeric value for calculation"<<endl;
cout<<"This program cannot perform operations on variables";
exit(5);}if(this->two_digit_flag){cout<<"Sory! Althoug u may have entered right string"<<endl;
cout<<"this program is only for single digit operation"<<endl;
exit(8);}postfix[outpos] = '\0';}class Evaluate{
double eval(char expr[], Convert &);double oper(int symb, double op1, double op2);};double Evaluate::oper(int symb, double op1, double op2){switch(symb){
case '+': return (op1 + op2);case '-': return (op1 - op2);case '*': return (op1 * op2);case '/': return (op1 / op2);case '^': return (pow(op1, op2));}}double Evaluate::eval(char expr[],Convert &convert){int c, position;
char temp1;
int count = 0;
double opnd1, opnd2, value;
Stack<double> stack;
for(position = 0; (c = expr[position])!='\0'; position++){
temp1 = double(c-'0');
opnd2 = stack.pop();if(stack.size()==0){
cout<<"This program cannot process unary operation";
exit(1);}opnd1 = stack.pop();value = oper(c, opnd1, opnd2);stack.push(value);}}if(stack.size()>=2){
cout<<"Sory! this program cannot calculate this"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter +, *, /, - or ^ between bracket"<<endl;
exit(4);}return (stack.pop());
}int main(){
Convert convert;Evaluate evaluate;string bracketted_infix;
char infix[50], postfix[50];
char choice;
cout<<"Enter string: ";
cin>>infix;cout<<endl;cout<<"Entered String: "<<infix<<endl;
bracketted_infix = convert.return_with_bracket(infix);convert.to_Postfix(bracketted_infix, postfix);cout<<"Equivalent Postfix string: "<<postfix<<endl;
cout<<"RESULT: ";
cout<<evaluate.eval(postfix, convert);cout<<"\nCalculate another string?(y/n) ";
}return 0;
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